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Herbal Tincture Food Supplement

Ingredients: Purified Water Ph. Eur., Cistus Incanus (leaves and tips), Ethanol Ph. Eur.

Analysis: 1ml contains tincture from 372mg Cistus x incanus (L) dried leaf;  44.6mg Cistus x incanus (L) bud tips; in ethanol* 25% and water. *organically certified ingredient

50 ml

1 flaske gir ca. 50 doser (15 dråper/1 ml per dose)

Produced in the United Kingdom for KiScience

Directions for use: Take 15 drops (1ml), 2-3 times a day.

Do not exceed the recommended daily dosage unless advised by a licensed physician. Food supplements should not be used as a substitute for a balanced and varied diet.

Caution: Always consult your doctor or licensed physician before using this product if you are pregnant, nursing or have a medical condition. Causes Eye Irritation. Keep away from heat, hot surfaces and other ignition sources.

Storage: Store in a cool, well-ventilated, dry and dark place, out of the reach of children. Do not use if the safety seal is damaged or missing.

Cistus Incanus Plus tinktur - 50 ml

699,00 kr
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Herbal Tincture Food Supplement

Ingredients: Purified Water Ph. Eur., Cistus Incanus (leaves and tips), Ethanol Ph. Eur.

Analysis: 1ml contains tincture from 372mg Cistus x incanus (L) dried leaf;  44.6mg Cistus x incanus (L) bud tips; in ethanol* 25% and water. *organically certified ingredient

50 ml

1 flaske gir ca. 50 doser (15 dråper/1 ml per dose)

Produced in the United Kingdom for KiScience

Directions for use: Take 15 drops (1ml), 2-3 times a day.

Do not exceed the recommended daily dosage unless advised by a licensed physician. Food supplements should not be used as a substitute for a balanced and varied diet.

Caution: Always consult your doctor or licensed physician before using this product if you are pregnant, nursing or have a medical condition. Causes Eye Irritation. Keep away from heat, hot surfaces and other ignition sources.

Storage: Store in a cool, well-ventilated, dry and dark place, out of the reach of children. Do not use if the safety seal is damaged or missing.

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Forbehold: hevder ikke at produktene vi markedsfører kan kurere sykdom. All bruk av kosttilskudd foregår på eget ansvar og bør skje i samråd med kyndig helsepersonell. Informasjon på er ikke ment å erstatte medisinsk rådgivning og behandling.